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Here's a short list of various projects I've participated in.

With links to the project sites and their specifications, as well as a page where I go into my process and thoughts during my work on the project (under construction)

Chessmaster - Fantasmi dell’Oscurità Zine Piece (_Nort_zine)_edited.jpg

Zine, page Artist

Worked on full page illustration for a zine for the first time.

it was a time of many, many references and constructive feedback.

The design and layout of the piece gave me most trouble. Drawing my favorite character was relaxing in comparison.


Zine, merch Artist

Worked on a series of icons for the Foretellers zine.

Busted my eyes trying to figure out their outfits and simplify them enough for icons, but in the end it was a very fun experience.

Even with the unfortunate loss of data at the time.

Foretellers Zine - Ava Icon
Foretellers Zine - Ira Icon
Foretellers Zine - Gula Icon

Zine, page Artist

Worked on a series of five illustrations with LGBTQ+ theme accompanied with their line-art versions as coloring pages.

This was such a fun project, I remember being very happy to be using all the flag colors even if the schedule got off track and became nightmarish at one point.

Tarot Deck, Court Card artist - Queen of Cups

Worked on an illustration of a Queen of Hearts(Cus) Court cart for a Tarot Deck project.

A lot of constructive feedback and back-and-forth between all parties in order to produce the best version of the final product.

Resulted in a print run of a tarot deck and proceeds of the sales going to charity.

Invi - Queen of Hearts - Seeker Saga Tarot.png

Zine, merch Artist

Working on a series of bookmarks that are to be printed in physical form as well as a digital phone wallpaper expanded from one of the bookmarks.

This project is still in production - an image will be unavailable until finalization of the project.

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